Just Say No!

Whatā€™s the easiest way to reduce clutter in your life? Just say no! No to free stuff, no to bargains, no to buying stuff you donā€™t really need, and no to hand-me-downs (if you donā€™t really need them of course). There are two main reasons why focusing on accumulating less is such a successful strategy…


Getting Your Crew On Board

If you live with other people, chances are youā€™ve experienced the difficulty of living with other peopleā€™s stuff! The reality is, we all have different thresholds for household chaos and clutter. Some spouses and house-mates have very different thresholds, which can make things uncomfortable at times, to say the least. If youā€™re wishing you could…


Get That To-Do List Done!

Boy, it can be tough getting back into the swing of things after a holiday weekend! Your desk may be piled with things you left with an ā€œIā€™ll deal with it when I get backā€ attitude, and your to-do list is probably over-flowing with incomplete tasks as well. Since completing to-do lists seems to be…


The Treadmill

Do you sometimes (or always) feel like youā€™re on a treadmill of chores and to-doā€™s and you canā€™t a) get off or b) keep up? I know I do. The ā€œstuffā€ of life ā€“ your home, your family, your job, your friends, even your hobbies ā€“ all take some effort to keep up with. Some…
